Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sinus and whiney

I know I haven't posted in a while.   This past week I have been way off track, both eating and fitness wise.   I have not  made my step goal one day this week,and my eating has been up and  down.   I know why... I have been dealing with massive sinus issues this past week, and I have no energy. I'm not sleeping well at night,  and I can't breath.   It pretty much blows.   Additionally, my stress level has been much higher than normal for various reasons, including end of  the school year and trying to get a summer job,  issues with the husband's job,  and gearing up for summer semester in grad school. As an ex substance abuse counselor,  I know what all of this means....risk of relapse.   I used to tell clients that being sick was a high risk situation,  because eating and sleeping patterns and normal routines were thrown out of wack.  Add in a complete change of routine for me,  and it's a recipe for disaster.   Summer will be a challenge.   My normal  routine is completely gone.  However,  it does open up ample opportunity to work out,  and to establish new routines.   I know what you do and how to do it.   I wish I had the energy to be more active,  because even basic housework right now drains me.   But I'm not going to let it derail me.   I've worked too hard to get to where I'm at,  and even though I've got  a long way to go,  I'm sure a heck of a lot farther down the path than I was Jan 1 of this year,  and I've worked too hard to turn back now.

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